Sarah's New Dream Room from Savvy Giving by Design
Last October, Maribel Loza found out that her 9-year-old daughter Sarah had cancer. It was a rare, aggressive form of lymphoma that had started in Sarah’s pelvis and spread to her lymph nodes, her head and behind her eyes. Overnight, Sarah had to trade 4th grade school days for a rigorous schedule of surgeries, blood transfusions and chemotherapy. Sarah, who lives in San Diego, also faced changes at home. She stopped sleeping in her room with her sister and stayed instead in her parents’ room so they could watch over her. This went on for months until a friend connected the family to Savvy Giving by Design, a nonprofit that gives bedroom makeovers to children in medical crises.
Volunteers from the nonprofit group quickly moved to put together new dream rooms for Sarah and her two sisters. The goal was to make Sarah’s and older sister Arianna’s shared room not only beautiful, but health-promoting with nontoxic products and materials. Little sister Julieta got a room makeover too.
Now that she’s settled in, Sarah says she is especially fond of her Alexa, a voice-controlled tool that allows her to speak commands (like “turn off the lights") and see them happen. Sarah also loves the room’s two swings, where she likes to sway and sing along to pop music. She likes how organized the room is, and that it has a place for everything. And she likes her comfy new bed — a full that she doesn’t have to share.
Nova Homes of South Florida is building healthy, high-performance homes throughout Southwest Florida, in Naples, Marco Island, and Golden Gate Estates, Florida. Priced from the $200s to $2 million, there is a home to fit everyone's budget. For more information contact Nick Cornwell at 239.776.5076 or email Nick at BuildNow@NovaHomesBuilder.com.