There were two-hundred seventy-four (274) active home listings in May, down 22% from May 2017. Fifty-one (51) homes sold for $53.9 million compared to forty-seven (47) and $46.6 million last May. Sales prices ranged from $285,000 to $3.8 million. Median price of a home sold on Marco Island in May was $815,000. Thirty-nine (39) new listings came on the market in May compared to fifty-three (53) last year. List prices for a home on Marco Island range from $340,000 to $7.2 million.
Inventory for sale was three-hundred seventy-three (373) condos in May 2018, about the same as last year. Fifty (50) condos sold for $29.5 million compared to sixty (60) units and $35.6 million last May. Sales prices ranged from $118,000 to $6.2 million. Median price of a condo sold on Marco Island in May was $414,000. Sixty-five (65) new listings came on the market compared to fifty-three (53) last year. List prices for a condo on the island range from $120,000 to $6.3 million.
There were three-hundred two (302) lots for sale on Marco Island in May 2018, about the same as last year. Thirteen (13) lots sold for $6.9 million compared to eleven (11) and $4.6 million last year. Sales prices ranged from $50,000 to $2.4 million. Median price of a lot sold on Marco Island in May was $225,000. Twenty-eight (28) new listings came on the market compared to twenty-four (24) last year. List prices for a lot range from $55,000 to $5 million.
As usual there is a wide range of properties for sale on Marco Island. Please check with a local Realtor® to help you find that just right property.
Nova Homes of South Florida is one of Marco Islands best custom home builders. Priced from $400,000, for a waterfront home, Nova Homes offers custom plans including swimming pool on the water. For more information call Nick at 239.776.5076 or email